Reddit is full of people that "did the right thing" their whole life. They turned in their homework on time, they went to bed at curfew, they ate their vegetables, and now that they're adults they put money into their 401k, get an annual physical, and follow all the social rules about what you're supposed to think and do. But they haven't been rewarded for it. The implicit agreement for "doing the right thing" is that you will be rewarded for it down the line, and people who don't do the right thing will be punished. And naturally this sort of compliance leads to very mediocre people. They aren't rich, they didn't get the girl, they aren't cool. When they see people succeeding by doing the opposite of what they sacrificed to do, it angers and confuses them. It's not right that we should make money on shit coins, when they are struggling to pay their college debt. It wasn't fair that PUA guys got pussy when theres a nice guy redditor waiting to hold the door and pay for dinner after youre done fucking her. Getting rich off of crypto isn't supposed to be how it works. You're supposed to do your homework, go to a good college, get a good job, and slowly pay off all your debt and a 30 year mortgage so you can retire at 65. To them, we're cheating and we should be punished for it. Their strategy in life is compliance. Thats what they do in every aspect of life, look for authority and comply with authority. They believe if they comply hard enough, they'll be rewarded for it. So whenever anyone doesn't comply and they get rewarded for non compliance, it causes cognitive dissonance, envy, and anger. Everyone has heard of the fight or flight reflex to danger. But not as many know there is a third strategy called "freeze". Rabits and other prey animals have an instinct to freeze when they are in danger in the hopes that by being very very still the predator will overlook them. Thats what redditors are, they're prey animals that freeze in the hopes that the hawk will take a different rabbit and leave them alone.